Theory in a Pandemic

Teoria em uma pandemia


  • McKenzie Wark The New School
  • Nicolas Llano Independent Researcher


COVID-19, pandemic


Author(s): McKenzie Wark

Title (English): Theory in a Pandemic

Title (Portuguese): Teoria em uma pandemia

Translated by (English to Portuguese): Nicolas Llano

Journal Reference: Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture

Publisher: Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje  

Page Range: 46-48

Page Count: 3

Citation (English): McKenzie Wark, “Theory in a Pandemic,” Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 2020): 46-48.

Citation (Portuguese): McKenzie Wark, “Teoria em uma pandemia,” traduzido do inglês por Nicolas Llano, Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 2020): 46-48.

Author Biography

McKenzie Wark, The New School

Mckenzie Wark (she/her) is the author, most recently, of Capital is Dead (Verso, 2019) and Reverse Cowgirl (Semiotext(e), 2020), and teaches at The New School in New York City.




How to Cite

Wark, M. ., & Llano, N. . (2020). Theory in a Pandemic: Teoria em uma pandemia. Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 17(1), 46-48. Retrieved from