Vol. 6 No. 1 (2007): Vol. 6, No. 1 (Winter 2007) - Issue No. 12

- Publisher: Research Center in Gender Studies - Skopje and Euro-Balkan Institute
- Authors: Ayten Alkan, Tijana Milosavljević-Čajetinac, Viktorija Gavritova, Damir Arsenijević, Maja Bogojević, Ajla Demiragić, Jelena Petrović, Sanja Potkonjak, Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru, Ksenija Vidmar Horvat, Areti Demosthenous, Diana Dămean, Bobi Badarevski, Marija Ivanovska, Jordančo Sekulovski
- Language(s): English, Macedonian, Albanian
- Publication Date: 2007
- Page Count: 244
- Print Run: 800
- Size: 240X207X30
The three texts published in the first part of this number of Identities are products of research teams that were established in the framework of the Regional Seminar in Gender/Women’s Studies and European Studies 2004-2006, a three-year project organized by the Research Center in Gender Studies and supported by HESP. The main aim of the Seminar was to establish a regional floor for scholarly investigation into the points of regional specificity regarding the critical theoretical/scientific questions mapping the research needs of SEE in the field of gender/women’s studies and situating these points of specificity into the wider context of the European theoretical legacy. The reseach teams, consisted of young faculty from the region of SEE have been working together for several years in the course of the project, peer-monitoring each other's development and jointly attending three Summer and three Winter session.
- Ayten Alkan, Tijana Milosavljević-Čajetinac and Viktorija Gavritova: Challenges of the Interdisciplinary Character of Women’s/Gender Studies: Cases of the Czech Republic, Macedonia, and Turkey [EN] | Проблемите со интердисциплинарниот карактер на женските/родовите студии: Примерите со Република Чешка, Македонија и Турција [MK]
- Damir Arsenijević, Maja Bogojević, Ajla Demiragić, Jelena Petrović and Sanja Potkonjak: Mapping the Key Concepts in Gender Studies and Creating a Cartography of their Balkan Specificities [EN] | Мапирање на клучните концепти во родовите студии и создавање на картографија на нивните балкански специфики [MK]
- Maria-Sabina Draga Alexandru: Changes and Challenges in Gender Stereotypes in Romanian TV Shows around the Moment of EU Accession [EN] | Промените и предизвиците во родовите стереотипи во романските телевизиски шоу програми во периодот на пристапување кон ЕУ [MK]
- Ksenija Vidmar Horvat: Nomadic Europe: Spaces, Identities and Politics of Belonging in Post-Socialist Slovenia [EN] | Номадска Европа: Просторите, идентитетите и политиките на припадност во постсоцијалистичка Словенија [MK]
- Areti Demosthenous: Divided Cultures or Divided Societies? The Case of Cyprus [EN] | Раздвоени култури или раздвоени општества? Случајот на Кипар [MK]
- Diana Dămean: Objects of the Gaze, Prisoners of the Panopticon: The Discourse on Body and Femininity in Romanian Women’s Magazines [EN] | Објекти на погледот, затворенички на Паноптикумот: Дискурсот за телото и женскоста во романските женски списанија [MK]
- Bobi Badarevski: Кон Bonnie Mann, Women’s Liberation and the Sublime: Feminism, Postmodernism, Environment [MK] | Për Bonnie Mann, Women’s Liberation and the Sublime: Feminism, Postmodernism, Environment [AL]
- Bobi Badarevski: Кон Lorraine Code, Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location [MK] | Për Lorraine Code, Ecological Thinking: The Politics of Epistemic Location [AL]
- Marija Ivanovska: Кон Iris Marion Young, On Female Body Experience: “Throwing Like a Girl” and Other Essays [MK] | Për Iris Marion Young, On Female Body Experience: “Throwing Like a Girl” and Other Essays [AL]
- Marija Ivanovska: Кон Beth Felker Jones, Marks of His Wounds: Gender Politics and Bodily Resurrection [MK] | Për Beth Felker Jones, Marks of His Wounds: Gender Politics and Bodily Resurrection [AL]
- Jordančo Sekulovski: Кон Arnaud Tomès, Le sujet [MK] | Për Arnaud Tomès, Le sujet [AL]
- Jordančo Sekulovski: Кон Marcel Conche, Quelle philosophie pour demain? [MK] | Për Marcel Conche, Quelle philosophie pour demain? [AL]
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